Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Yin and Yang of Things

I’ve read several books, articles and seen TV documentaries about the Big Bang and creation. In a book entitled, “Conversions with God” the author, Neale-Donald Walsch believed that he had a dialogue with God through automatic writing. I have a tough time agreeing with all of his ideas but did find some appealing and intriguing.

He puts forth an idea of a kind of “Big Bang” of God. It goes something like this: In the beginning, there was just God who consisted of uniform kind of existence. Everything was the same: no up, no down, no time. There was nothing different to the east or to the west. There was no concept of before and after. There was no color, beauty or vanity, male or female. Everything was always “now” and now was always the same.

In order for God to experience itself outside of its oneness and all-ness, there was a creation of separateness and of opposites. It was as if instead of a homogeneous all, there became a core center and all possible aspects of itself were pushed outward. The opposites were still all part of the one but gave the illusion of separateness. The “now” added a before and after, a left and right to the center, etc.

This is similar to some of the concepts of the yin and yang principle put forth by the Chinese Han Dynasty that began around 207 B.C. The principles go back as far as the 14th Century B.C.E. There are two mutually corresponding and complimentary opposites. Each cannot exist without the other and the energies working in combinations explain all of the workings of the universe. It is the Chinese perspective of balance and continual change. Some of opposites for the Yin and Yang are listed below.

Dark Bright
Passive Active
Downward Upward
Cold Hot
Contracting Expanding
Weak Strong
Feminine Masculine
Health Sickness

The opposites must always be in balance. They flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. All opposites that one experiences—health and sickness, wealth and poverty, power and submission—can be explained in reference to the temporary dominance of one principle over the other. No one principle dominates eternally.

All phenomena have within them the seeds of their opposite state, that is, beauty can grow ugly, ugly can be beautiful. No phenomenon is completely devoid of its opposite state. One is never really healthy since the seeds of sickness may be contained in the healthy state.
With the Big Bang of God theory, all of these are different aspects of God who is experiencing itself. That is to say, if you picture a globe and find its’ center, any one aspect of anything can be pushed out in many different directions and still be part of the whole. With Yin and Yang, the philosophy is to recognize and find the harmony and balance of the opposites and to tone down the discord.

In this model, the union of the exact opposites would result in the homogenous middle or a holy Trinity of sorts. The father, mother and child are all part of the one.

In many planes of existence, it doesn’t matter which way you go from the homogenous middle. The different roads eventually lead to the form of discord. Chaos can be reached by going to the left or to the right. The exact opposite is true if traveling from the extreme to the center. It may be more harmonious in the center but it may not be as exciting as out in the extremes.

In U.S. politics, the Republican and Democrat Parties are often described as polarizing and at the same time described as no different from each other. The Democrats have sometimes been called the “Mommy” party while the Republican War Hawks in the year 2008 can be described as “Testosterone on Steroids” party. This is an example of mutually corresponding and complimentary opposites that are in an ebb and flow cycle. An action by one party results in a reaction from the other side.

One of the differences between the parties and maybe the main one is battle to maintain the traditional status quo (i.e. the man is the head of the household, the head of church, the CEO and the head of state.) Women are being found in these leadership roles more often since the later part of the 20th century but still in relatively small percentages. The shift of the female into a more aggressive role in the work place, politics and in some cases in the religious realm is due to forces in the 1960’s that drove not only the Civil Rights movement but also the women’s movement. This led to more independent women, more divorces, and more single moms, more women in the work place and more women demanding equal pay for equal work.

With respect to balance between male and female power in the Christian Church, there hasn’t been much. It has been out of balance for the duration. There is God the father, God the Son and the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is cast as another male since Jesus was conceived by Mary through actions of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church has promoted some female balance into the discourse by veneration of the Virgin Mary, and promotion of visions and miracles performed by “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, “Our Lady of Lourdes” and others.

Ancient Egypt was the homeland for displaced Hebrews for hundreds of years. It was from this culture that Moses was taught. Ancient Egyptians had several trinities among their various deities. One of these, the Osirus, Isis, and Horus Triad consisted of a father, mother and son.

It has also been noted that prior to worship of male and female gods in the prehistory of the Egyptians, female fertility goddesses were worshipped throughout the world and that she was still worshipped in other parts of the Middle East during the time of Jesus and up to the time of Mohammed. An attempt in recent times has been made by writers and film makers that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. That she had a child that carried his blood line. The sub-line is that the female aspect of god is still around and being promoted as a legitimate alternative to other Christian’s religious beliefs. There are a few takers but not many to date. If the cycle of change between the Yin and the Yang is true, then in the case of the male/female deity worship, the reversal is a very, slow and long cycle.

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